Monday, 11 September 2017

ABAP Monitoring T-codes

SAP Basis Daily Monitoring T codes: Proactive monitoring of the SAP systems, will help to understand issues in advance & helps us to take corrective actions and  thus will lead to lesser downtime of the systems, improving profitability of the business organisation.  Monitoring can be focused on ABAP stack(including database checks), Java Stack and Os level checks. ABAP Stack Checks : SM50 : (Process Overview) This transaction code will be useful to view the processes that are running currently in an sap instance. In this view...

Monday, 4 September 2017

Client copy types and Client admin questions?

SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export Client Copy We can generate a blank client with SCC4.But how to fill the data in the client? "Answer is the client copy." Client copy means "transferring client specific data" within the same instance(SID) or between different instances(SID). Client copy can be performed with three different methods - Local client copy. Remote client copy. Client Import/Export. 1) Local client copy: we can copy the client data one data to another data within the sap system. 2) Remote client copy:  we...

Sunday, 3 September 2017

How to find SAP Client size?

1. Execute report RSSPACECHECK in transaction code SE38. Put the client number and mark all fields with as-tricks execute. it will take 1-2 hour to calculate the size  ...

Client Administration Overview

What is a R/3 Client? R/3 Client is defined as an independent accountable business unit within a R/3 system. R/3 Data Classification Data in the R/3 database are classified as two types, Client Independent Data and Client Dependent Data. Client independent data / Cross client data: Data which can be accessed through the entire R/3 database from any client is called as client independent data or cross client data. Ex: screen data, transaction data,...

How to Open Clients In SAP?

We can answer the following questions     How to open the client in  SAP system?   How to view when was the client settings last changed?   How to view who has last changed the client settings?   What are the various client settings and their significan...

How to view All Clients in SAP?

We can answer the following queries: How to view all clients in SAP system? What are the default clients in SAP and what is their significance? What is the table which holds client details in SAP? How to view T000 table contents? How to view all clients in SAP system Goto transaction SCC4. This lists clients’ overview as below: From the above screen, we can make out what are the existing clients in the SAP system, their names and...

What is client in SAP?

We can  answers the following queries: What is a Client in SAP? What is the difference between client specific and cross-client data? What are the different client roles in SAP...

Thursday, 31 August 2017

How to find out who are all having access to a particular Tcode in SAP system?

 We can answer the following questions.  How to find out who are all having access to a particular tcode in SAP system?  How to find out which user ids are having access to a transaction in SAP system?  How to use SUIM tcode to identify users having access to a particular transaction in SAP system?...

SAP User Types

We can answer the following questions What are the different user types in SAP? Which user type(s) is /are used for dialog free communication in SAP? Validity period of a password is not applicable to which user type(s) in SAP? What are the specific uses of system user type in SAP? Which user type(s) cannot be used for direct logon to the SAP system? Which user type in SAP does not have a check on validity of password expiry or initial password? Which user type in SAP can be used to assign additional identical authorizations to other users?...

How to lock and unlock multiple users in SAP?

We can answer the following questions. How to lock multiple users in SAP ? How to unlock multiple users in SAP ? How to reset password for multiple users in SAP ? How to create multiple users at once in SAP ? How to delete multiple users at a time in SAP ?...

How to assign roles and profiles to user?

We can answer the following questions. How to assign roles or profiles to a user id in SAP ? How to remove roles or profiles to a user id in SAP ?...

Locking and Unlocking users in SAP

We can answer the following questions. What are the business requirements to lock or unlock users in SAP system? How to lock or unlock users in SAP ? How to change user Password in SAP?...

How to delete a user in SAP?

We can answer the following questions. How to delete a user in SAP? How to display user details in SAP? How to modify user details in SAP? How to create a user in SAP by copying from existing user? ...

How to create a user in SAP?


Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Welcome to SAP BASIS

Basis is a set of programs and tools that act as an interface with Database, Operating system, Communication protocols and business applications (such as FI, CO, MM,etc). Full form of BASIS is "Business Application Software Integrated solution" SAP applications such as FI,CO,PP etc. can run and communicate with each other across different Operating systems and Databases with the help of BASIS. Nowadays Basis is known as Netweaver. Alias...