




Basis blog



Monday 11 September 2017

ABAP Monitoring T-codes

SAP Basis Daily Monitoring T codes:

Proactive monitoring of the SAP systems, will help to understand issues in advance & helps us to take corrective actions and  thus will lead to lesser downtime of the systems, improving profitability of the business organisation.

 Monitoring can be focused on ABAP stack(including database checks), Java Stack and Os level checks.

ABAP Stack Checks :

SM50 : (Process Overview)

This transaction code will be useful to view the processes that are running currently in an sap instance. In this view you can check whether there are free work processes to execute the processes. If all the work processes are in running state and no work process is idle it means that wait times will increase for the processes that are waiting in the dispatcher queue leading to performance degradation. If you find that there are no free work proccesses for maximum times that you may consider, increasing the number of work processes.

SM66 : (Global process overview)

This transaction code will be useful to view the processes that are running across all instances/application servers of a SAP system. Similar to SM50 checks can be done in this transaction as well.

SM51 : (Application servers status)

This transaction code will be useful to view all the host names and application servers status. If any application server is down, the same can be identified using status of the server column. We can also figure out different Message types (Dialog, Batch, Update, Upd2, Spool, ICM etc) configured for the respective servers.

SM12 : (Lock entry list)

This transaction code will be useful to view all the sap locks that are present in the system. As part of monitoring, we need to look for any old sap locks that are more than 1 day. If any such locks, we need to analyse the reason for that lock for such longer duration and take actions accordingly. A lock can be set for such a long duration due to a long running background job or a lock is not released due to an application error or a program terminated abruptly but lock not released etc.

ST22  : (ABAP Dumps )

This transaction code will be useful to view all the abap dumps that have occured in the system on a given day. As part of daily monitoring, it is the responsibility of the basis administrator to analyse the dumps and take necessary actions to avoid issues.

Some of the examples of abap dumps are timeout issue, database space issue, spool overflow issue etc

SM21 : (System log)

This transaction is useful to view the log of the sap system for various operations. This log will be very useful to identify various issue in advance and to take necessary measures. System log is the place to check out for any timeout, network issues, database space issues, message server issues, spool overflow, locktable overflow etc issues.

Additional details :

SAP System log

SM13 : (Update Requests overview)

This transaction is useful to figure the status of update system. Incase an update is inactive we can figure out the same from this transaction and necessary action can be taken and update can be activated again.

SM14 transaction can be called internally from SM13. These both transactions are useful for update administration.

In SM13, you can select status (canceled, to be updated, v1 executed, v2 executed, all ) and time interval during which you would like to view the status execute to check the overview of updates as per the status and time interval selected.

In case of canceled updates, analysis to be done whether to repeat update.

ST02 : (Tune summary )

This transaction will be used to monitor

 Buffer statistics like hit ratio, swaps, db access details, size of buffer and free size of buffer etc

 Important statistics related to  Roll area, Page area, Extended memory and heap memory

Call statistics like select, insert, update and delete

As a basis administrator, it is our responsibility to ensure there is more hit ratio for the buffers and less swaps to ensure efficient performance of the sap system. In case you see there are more swaps and less hit ratios for most of the buffers, then tuning buffers to be carried out to ensure optimal performance.

DB12 (Backup logs) :

This transaction is useful to check the details of  last successful backup
overview of database backups ( Success / failure of backup with log details)
Archiving directory status (Free space of ora arch )
Overview of redo log files ( Number of redo logs that are not yet backed up)
overview of redo log backups (Success / failure of backup with log details)

DB13 (DBA Planning calender) :

This transaction will be useful to schedule various database backups & clean up jobs like ( whole database backup offline/online, Full backup online/offline, incremental backup offline/online, redolog backup, update statistics, check db, cleanup logs, compress database, verify database, initialize tape and validate structure jobs).

In this transaction, you can also check the status of every job that was scheduled and can reschedule in case of failures.

DB14  (DBA operations log) :

This transaction will be useful to check the status of following :

Database backup
Redolog backup
BRSPACE log (extend tablespace issues etc)
BRCONNECT operations (Update optimiser statistics , database check etc)
  As an sap basis administrator it is our responsibility to check and ensure backups and other cleanup jobs are successful everyday. Incase of failures, should figure out root cause and take actions like rescheduling and ensure these jobs are successful.

SM37 ( Job status overview) :

This transaction will be useful to have an overview of jobs with different statuses.
As part of daily monitoring, SAP basis administrator should use this transaction to findout canceled jobs and active jobs(for eg: long running - more than 24hrs etc).

Incase of canceled jobs, root cause for the failure to be figured out from the logs of the respective job and to be actioned by rescheduling etc.
Incase of long running jobs, we need to figure out the reason for long running and action them accordingly.

In SM37, using extended job selection option, we can even select the jobs based on start condition, steps (like abap program, external command or external program), period etc

ST04 (Database alert logs and performance) :

This transaction will be useful for (oracle) database administration. In this screen, goto Alerts and drill down further. Click on "Database Check" to find out any errors or warnings related to database like MISSING_STATISTICS, STATS_TOO_OLD, LAST_BACKUP_FAILED, LAST_ARCHIVE_FAILED etc. After going through the error or warning in details take necessary corrective actions based on the error like running update stats again, re-triggering backup etc

Under Alerts, you can view Alert monitor which will summarize status of the database under different heads like

Space Management
SAP Consistency
Drill down on each of these to find out potential problems. These are color coded for ease of administrator (Red for errors, yellow for Warnings and Green for OK status)

For Eg: If PSAPSR3 tablespace is >90%, you can see Space management in red color. Then it is the responsibility of Basis administrator to take necessary actions on the same.

SP01 ( Check Spool status ) :

This transaction is useful to find out the status of spool request and output request. In SP01 transcation, you can list the spool requests or output requests between a given interval.

In the list generated, you can check out the status of spool requests and findout any errors by drilling down further.

For eg: if so many spools are in waiting status, find out whether output device is available or not.

If many spool are in error status, figure out if there is any network issue and take necessary actions.

What are the different Spool statuses and their significance?

If  customers complain that they are not able print anything from SAP, check out whether there is any spool overflow.

What is spool overflow ? How to troubleshoot spool overflow issue ?

SXI_Cache : This Tcode is specific to XI or PI system. This Tcode is used to findout whether cache refresh is happening or not. Incase if cache refresh is happening successfully, it will indicate the same in green color. Otherwise it will be in red indicating a problem with cache refresh.

If there is a problem with cache refresh then basis administrator has to troubleshoot the same.

SLDCHECK : This Tcode will be useful to figure out whether connection to the SLD system from the system on which you are testing is fine or not. In case the connection is fine, all checks will appear in green. Incase of any issues, it will appear in red or yellow and then basis administator has to troubleshoot it and make sure SLDCHECK is working fine.

Ensuring SLDCHECK is working fine is important to keep all systems in the landscape in sync.

SXI_MONITOR : This TCode is specific to XI or PI system. This transaction will be useful to figure out any errors or warnings in the processing of XI or PI messages. In case of any issues, this needs to be informed to functional team and should be troubleshooted accordingly with the functional team inputs.

DBO1 : This transaction code is useful to findout the database locks that are present in the SAP system.

As part of daily monitoring, SAP Basis administrator has to figure out if there are any long pending locks more than 1 day etc and analyse reasons for the same. Sometimes if programs/jobs got terminated abruptly without removing the database locks set, this will lead to performance issues as other programs which needs that lock cannot set etc and they have to wait indefinitely as these locks won't get released automatically. In case of any long pending locks, Basis administrators should contact DBA team if any an dfigure out the reason for these locks and action accordingly

Jack Stack Checks :  Please refer below links to understand Daily Java monitoring of SAP Landscape:

SAP Java monitoring check list 1

SAP Java monitoring check list 2

To monitor live Cache system, please refer below link :

Live Cache Monitoring in SAP

Please find below table which summarizes daily monitoring tasks that are to be performed by the SAP Basis Administrator :

Monday 4 September 2017

Client copy types and Client admin questions?

SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export
Client Copy
We can generate a blank client with SCC4.But how to fill the data in the client? "Answer is the client copy."

Client copy means "transferring client specific data" within the same instance(SID) or between different instances(SID).

Client copy can be performed with three different methods -

  1. Local client copy.
  2. Remote client copy.
  3. Client Import/Export.

1) Local client copy:
we can copy the client data one data to another data within the sap system.
2) Remote client copy:
 we can copy the client data from one sap system another sap system in the landscape
3) Client Import and Export :
we can copy the client data copy with (or) without the landscape

03.What are the client dependent and client independent?
Client dependent is only customizing object, client independents are cross client
object and repository object

04.How to client creation?
1) Using the transaction code is SCC4
2) Click on Change button
3) It gives the information, click on continue
4) Click on new entries option
5) Give the client number, client name, city, std currency and client role.
6) Click on save button
7) Data will be saved
8) Click on back button
9) It shows the newly created client in the list.

05.How many types of client roles?
1) TEST [Development test client]
2) QTST [Quality system]
3) CUST [Customizing]
4) PROD [Production]
5) SAND [Sandbox client] ---> R & D Purpose (Research & Development)
6) TRNG [Training client]

06.What are the changes and transports for client specific objects?
o Changes without automatic recording
o Automatic recording of changes
o No changes allowed
o Changes w/o automatic recording, no transport allowed.

07.What are the cross client object changes?
1. Changes to Repository and crass-client Customizing allowed
2. No changes to crass-client Customizing objects
3. No Changes to Repository objects
4. No Changes to Repository objects and crass-client Customizing object

08. How many types of Client properties? (protect client copier and comparison tool)
 0 – No restrictions
 1 – No overwriting
 2 – No overwriting, no extended availability

09.What is the purpose of T000?
List of clients defined in this T000 table. Which we can maintain with transaction SCC4

10.How to lock a client?
In SE37 Functional module people, we have to give the SCCR_LOCK_CLIENT
then click on Execute button. Give the client number you want to lock and click on
save button. Then client locked successfully.

11. What are the profiles?
1) SAP_ALL: all client specific data without change documents
2) SAP_APPL: customizing and application data w/o change documents
3) SAP_APPX: SAP_APPL w/o authorization profiles and roles
4) SAP_CUST: customizing
5) SAP_CUSV: customizing and user variants
6) SAP_UCSR: customizing, user master record and user variants
7) SAP_UCUS: customizing & user master records
8) SAP_UONL: user w/o authorization profiles and
9) SAP_USER: user master records and authorization profile

12.Where we can see a list of clients available in system?
Transaction code is – SE16 or SE16N or SE17 or SM30 or SM31 give the table
name t000 and click on table content button after that it displays a list of clients
available in the system
Transaction code is SCC4.it displays list of clients available in the system

13.What is the difference between Simulation & Resource check?
Simulation is only read the data but not write into the database. Resource check
read the data & writes the data into the database.

14.Why we have to log in with target client?
Client copy is based on pull mechanisms. We always log in with target client

15.While client copy client locks so what we have to do?
Lock due to client copy

16.What is the field for client number?

17.How to protect the client?
Change the client properties into “NO CHANGE MODE”

18.What is the file system?
The files are organized in terms of documents and directories

19.How many client copies you perform the regular basis?
Depends on business requirement. It is not a regular task

20.Client Export & Import, Remote client copy so which one is better? Why?
Client export & import is better
May be RFC connection is failed in remote client copy. And also it will take long
time to process the client copy because depending on the net work problems.

21.How do you move the transport request different clients within the system?
Using the transaction code SCC1

22.How do you find out the client size?
Using the transaction is SA38 (or) SE38 and run the report is RSSPACECHECK

23.How do you find out the table size?
Using the transaction code SA38 (or) SE38 a run the report is RSTABLESIZE

24.How many clients you can create on the sap system?
997 client, we can create

25. How many clients we can create?
We can create the up to 1000 clients [000 to 999]

26.What are the default clients after installation of sap system?
Three, they are
1) 000: it is standard client (or) master client. It contains client independent
settings and it is used for applying the patches, add-ons, and transport
management configuration
2) 001: it is a backup of the “000” client can be considered for working as
production system.
3) 066: Early watcher & alert reports – If there is any problem with sap system
then the early watch client throws the alerts.

27.How do you disable multiple logins in the same client?
To disable multiple users login within the same client implementation this
parameter in the instance profile login\disable\_multi_gui_login = 1

28.Exception login?
In case you are wondering how to allow multiple logins for certain key users you
can implement parameter login\multi_login_users

29. Login\system_client – it is
used for when the open the screen we will get this client number whatever we set
in the default profile parameter

30.How to delete the client deletion?
1) Login to the client which you want to delete
2) Using the transaction code SCC5
3) Check delete entry from T000 option & click delete in background job
4) Double click on server name
5) Check immediately option & click on schedule job button click on continue
6) Go to the transaction code SCC3 to see log analysis
7) After taking some time status become success fully completed
31.Tell the steps for a local client copy?
1) Login with sap* & password pass in newly create client
2) Using the transaction code is SCCL
3) Target is displayed
4) Select the profile which you want to you copy
5) Selected source client
6) Select on start immediately button (or) schedule as background job
7) Click on continue button – to continue the client copy

32.Procedure for remote client copy?
1) Using the transaction code in target client
2) Target client is displayed
3) Select the profile which you want to you copy
4) Click on RFC connection which related to target & source client
5) Click on RFC system comparison button
6) It displays the statistics about copy
7) Click on immediately (or) schedule as background job
8) Click on continue button

33.What are pre requisites for client Export & Import?
  • Reorganize which is source system & which is target system
  • Establish the RFC connection between source system and destination
  • system
  • Check the availability of background work process (must needs one work
  • process)
  • We need to check the source client size
  • We need to check the spaces at sap level & O.S level

34.Tell the steps for client export & import
  • Log on to the source client (in source system)
  • Using the transaction code is SCC8
  • Select the profile which you want to export
  • Select the target system
  • Double click on the system name
  • Click on copy button
  • Click on RFC system check
  • Select RFC connection & click on choose button
  • Click on continue button
  • It displays if any inconsistencies
  • Click on schedule as background job button
  • Double click on selected server
  • Selected immediate option & click on schedule job button
  • Once verify all the values & click on continue button
  • Using the transaction code SCC3
  • Click on export button
  • Copy Ex: RT01148.ECC from D:\user\sap\trans\data
  • Copy Ex: KT01148.ECC from D:\user\sap\trans\cofiles
  • Log on to target client (in target system)
  • Using the transaction code STMS
  • Go to overview tab and click on import option
  • Double click on our system
  • Go to extras ---> other request ---> add
  • Select our transport request number & click on copy button
  • Click on continue button
  • Select our request number click on import request[semi loaded truck]
  • option.
  •  NOTE: here transport request status is stopped(red color)
  • Select the target client & click on choose button
  • Click on import button
  • Give the target client number, user name & password
  • Here transport request status is running (truck button)
  • Click on continue button
Post client copy:
  • Using the transaction code scc7(in target client)
  • Click on schedule as background job button
  • Double click on selected server
  • Selected immediately option & click on schedule job button
  • Once verify all the values & click on continue button
  • Using the transaction code SCC3
  • Double click on our job log 
  • It displays import successfully
  • 36.Using the logical system transaction code is SALE

37.What is a logical system?
 To identify the client in the landscape .it is unique identified

38.Where we have to store the logical system?

39.What is the naming convention of a logical system? 

40.BDLS – Tool: conversion of logical system names

41.How to assign the logical system to client a client? 
1) Using the transaction code SALE
2) Click on Basic settings ---> logical system ---> assign the logical system to client
3) Double click on the client which you want to assign the logical system
4) Select the logical system & click on copy button
5) Click on save button
6) Data was saved that means logical system assigned successfully (Or)
7) Using the transaction is SCC4 is also we can assign the logical system to client

Sunday 3 September 2017

How to find SAP Client size?

1. Execute report RSSPACECHECK in transaction code SE38.

Put the client number and mark all fields with as-tricks execute.

it will take 1-2 hour to calculate the size 

Client Administration Overview

What is a R/3 Client?

R/3 Client is defined as an independent accountable business unit within a R/3 system.

R/3 Data Classification
Data in the R/3 database are classified as two types, Client Independent Data and Client Dependent Data.
Client independent data / Cross client data:
Data which can be accessed through the entire R/3 database from any client is called as client independent data or cross client data. Ex: screen data, transaction data, repository data and dictionary data.
Client dependent data / Client specific data:
Data which can be accessed through a client in which it was created is called as client dependent data or client specific data. Ex: user data, authorization data, application data.
As per above two types, the R/3 client maintains differentiation with respect to client dependent data. A number of clients are created in one R/3 database to maintain differentiation in customization, testing, quality assurance and production data.
A r/3 client can be identified with three digits numeric number starts from 000 to 999.

Customizing request(SE10)

Customizing requests contain changes to client-dependent tables.
Customizing request records client dependent objects like table entries, SPRO configurations. Client dependent objects are only available to a particular client.

SE01, SE09, and SE10 are the transaction codes for SAP Transport Management system.

Workbench request(SE09)

Workbench requests contain changes to client-independent tables.
Workbench request records client independent objects like reports, Functions, tables. Client independent objects are available across the system irrespective of a client.  

Default  SAP clients

After installation, there are three default clients configured in the database. Which are (for Non-Ides Software)
000     Master Client
001    Copy of master client
066    Early watch client
For IDES Software we have clients 800, 810, 812
Client 000 - Client 000 is a special client in SAP since it has client independent settings. Client 000 in SAP R/3 comes with a simple organizational structure. It is a sort of test company. Client 000 contains all standard configurations, parameters, standard transactions, etc that are normally used in the SAP R/3 business environment.

Client 001 - Client 001 is a copy of client 000. Client 001 also includes a test company. Client 001 can be customized to prepare it to move it into the production environment. However, once client 001 is customized, it does not behave like client 000.

Client 066 - Client 066 is used to perform "Early Watch" service for customer systems.
One important thing to remember is that during SAP R/3 implementation, once SAP is installed, the first thing to be done is copy a standard client included in SAP R/3 package. With the help of this, SAP users can start using SAP for creating tests, training, or even start using it for customization.

 Client Management (create, copy, delete, refresh...)

SCC1-Client Copy-Special Selections
SCC2->Client transport
SCC3->Log of client copy
SCC4->Create/ Change / Display / Edit clients (Client Administration)
SCC5->Delete a client copy
SCC6->Client Import
SCC7->Post client import
SCC8->Client Export
SCC9->Remote Cleint copy
SCCL->Local client copy

1.Create a New Client (TC SCC4)

 Login with user SAP*.

 We need  Logical System to create a client.

/nbd54 t-code is used for creating logical system then we go to se09 and Release.

Logical System

When data is distributed between different systems, each system within a network has to be clearly identifiable. The “logical system” deals with this issue.
A logical system is an application system in which the applications work together on a common data basis. In SAP terms, the logical system is a client.
Since the logical system name is used to identify a system uniquely within the network, two systems cannot have the same name if they are connected to each other as BW systems or as source systems, or if there are plans to connect them in any way.
SR047 lists names that cannot be given to BW systems, because they are reserved for internal use.
Logical system names must contain capital letters and numbers only. SAP recommends the following naming convention for logical system names: <System-ID>CLNT<Client>.

/nbd54--->Creating Logical Space

nse09--->Generate Transport Request

Release our logical system and come back to scc4
Then we press display change button(Ctrl+F4) After that we type  New entries

Save and press back button that time we see our new client

Then we exit to log on screen give new client  user name Sap* and password pass before we create a new user(/nsu01)

How to Open Clients In SAP?

We can answer the following questions  
      How to open the client in  SAP system?
        How to view when was the client settings last changed?
          How to view who has last changed the client settings?
            What are the various client settings and their significance

            How to view All Clients in SAP?

            We can answer the following queries:

            How to view all clients in SAP system?
            What are the default clients in SAP and what is their significance?
            What is the table which holds client details in SAP?
            How to view T000 table contents?

            How to view all clients in SAP system

            Goto transaction SCC4. This lists clients’ overview as below:
            From the above screen, we can make out what are the existing clients in the SAP system, their names and the date they are last modified.

            What are the default clients in SAP and what is their significance?

            Clients 000, 001 and 066 are the clients created by default in any SAP system.

            Client 000 is SAP reference client. After installing any SAP system other clients will be created based on Client 000.

            Client 001 is customizing client which is similar to client 000.

            Client 066 is also SAP reference client used by Early watch service.
            What is the table which holds client details in SAP?

            Table T000 will contain all the client details and their settings. Using SCC4 transaction, client settings can be modified which in turn changes the entries of T000 table.

            How to view T000 table contents?

            Go to Data browser(SE16) transaction and provide table name as T000 and execute to view the client details (i.e. contents of T000 table)
            Click on the highlighted icon in the above screen

            Click on execute button (highlighted in above screen) to view the table contents (client details) as below :

            What is client in SAP?

            We can  answers the following queries:

            What is a Client in SAP?
            What is the difference between client specific and cross-client data?
            What are the different client roles in SAP?

            Thursday 31 August 2017

            How to find out who are all having access to a particular Tcode in SAP system?

             We can answer the following questions.

            •  How to find out who are all having access to a particular tcode in SAP system?
            •  How to find out which user ids are having access to a transaction in SAP system?
            •  How to use SUIM tcode to identify users having access to a particular transaction in SAP system?

            SAP User Types

            We can answer the following questions

            • What are the different user types in SAP?
            • Which user type(s) is /are used for dialog free communication in SAP?
            • Validity period of a password is not applicable to which user type(s) in SAP?
            • What are the specific uses of system user type in SAP?
            • Which user type(s) cannot be used for direct logon to the SAP system?
            • Which user type in SAP does not have a check on validity of password expiry or initial password?
            • Which user type in SAP can be used to assign additional identical authorizations to other users?

            How to lock and unlock multiple users in SAP?

            We can answer the following questions.

            • How to lock multiple users in SAP ?
            • How to unlock multiple users in SAP ?
            • How to reset password for multiple users in SAP ?
            • How to create multiple users at once in SAP ?
            • How to delete multiple users at a time in SAP ?

            How to assign roles and profiles to user?

            We can answer the following questions.

            • How to assign roles or profiles to a user id in SAP ?
            • How to remove roles or profiles to a user id in SAP ?

            Locking and Unlocking users in SAP

            We can answer the following questions.

            • What are the business requirements to lock or unlock users in SAP system?
            • How to lock or unlock users in SAP ?
            • How to change user Password in SAP?

            How to delete a user in SAP?

            We can answer the following questions.

            • How to delete a user in SAP?
            • How to display user details in SAP?
            • How to modify user details in SAP?
            • How to create a user in SAP by copying from existing user?

            How to create a user in SAP?

            Wednesday 30 August 2017

            Welcome to SAP BASIS

            Basis is a set of programs and tools that act as an interface with Database, Operating system, Communication protocols and business applications (such as FI, CO, MM,etc). Full form of BASIS is "Business Application Software Integrated solution"

            SAP applications such as FI,CO,PP etc. can run and communicate with each other across different Operating systems and Databases with the help of BASIS.

            Nowadays Basis is known as Netweaver.

            Alias of BASIS is SAP Application Server Technology and alias of NetWeaver is SAP Web Application Server.

            After adding java stack (the applications which are developed in J2EE,BSP,JSP,etc..) enhanced security standard for business process. Both ABAP and java stack can be monitored from one platform. Netweaver supports standard protocols such as HTTP,SMTP,XML,SOAP,SSO,WEBDAV,WSDL,WMLSSO,SSL,X.509 and Unicode format(representation of handling text).

            We can say Basis is the operating system for SAP applications and ABAP. Basis provides services like communication with the operating system, database communication, memory management, runtime collection of application data, web requests, exchanging business data etc...
            Basis supports a number of known operating systems (Unix flavors,Microsoft windows server edition, AS400,z/OS,etc) and databases (Oracle,DB2,Informix,Maxdb,Microsoft SQL Server,etc)..